Category: Apex

DML in Apex 0

DML in Apex

DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. Read and Write operation on salesforce database achieved by SOQL queries and DML Operations respectively.

SObject Methods 0

Working with sObject

SObject refers to any object that can stored in Lightning Platform Database. In Salesforce, objects function similarly to tables in a database, with fields representing columns and records representing rows within these objects.

Collections in Apex from My-Salesforce-Stories 0

Collections in Apex

There are three main types of collections List, Set, Map. These collections provide powerful tools for working with data in apex. They allows developers to efficiently manage and manipulate data within their application.


Primitive Data Types and Typecasting

It is a case-insensitive language to avoid confusion with SOQL and SOSL queries as they are case-insensitive. There are 12 primitive data types in apex. As follows: Blob, Boolean, Date, DateTime, Double, Decimal, Integer, ID, Object, Long, String, Time.

Difference between Apex and Java 0

Getting Started with Apex

Apex is strongly typed, object oriented programming language. It is a proprietary language developed by salesforce. It allows us to write code on platform.